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Resources for Sound Business Decisions.™

Intelligent and Efficient Software that Meets the Needs of Business Valuation and Appraisal Professionals.

Business Valuation Specialist

Business Valuation Specialist

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Business Valuation Specialist is a complete business analysis and valuation system that eliminates the distractions of creating and maintaining spreadsheets—an activity trap—so valuation professionals can use that time and better focus their attention on the implications of the analysis and those critical issues that determine the effectiveness of their work product and reports. And, with that increased efficiency, you and your organization can handle more valuation assignments in less time—without sacrificing quality.

There is no pre-set limit to the number of valuation assignments you can perform with Business Valuation Specialist. And, the system includes a free built-in report builder. Why pay extra to create a valuation report?

Business Valuation Specialist (BVS) is a stepwise guide through the analysis and quantitative elements of reaching defensible conclusions of business value and creating report (appraisals) for tax, litigation support or planning purpose.

Here is a 1,000-foot helicopter view of what it does:

  • Financial Data and Normalization Adjustments: BVS provides a smart way to prepare the Core Data used in the valuation. The Core Data is the set of historic and normalized financial statements. Core Data is then analyzed and provides a basis for preparing projections and the application of the valuation approaches and methods included in the program.
  • Analysis of Financial Statement Data: BVS has the metrics that you need to perform a rigorous analysis of both the historic and normalized financial statements—Core Data. The Analytics measure the company’s current position, past performance and trends and how it compares to industry peers. This information will help to support your decisions later in the projections and valuation.
  • The Power to Develop Comprehensive Projections: Financial projections are often necessary and can be an extremely important part of the business valuation process. Glossing over this mission-critical element of a valuation can be a serious mistake. Projected benefit streams are used in the Discounted Cash Flows and Future Earnings Methods as well as other methods in the Income and Market Approaches.
  • Valuation Approaches and Methods: A wide selection of accepted and well-documented Valuation Methods are available under the Income, Market and Asset Approaches to meet the needs of any business valuation assignment.
  • A Complete and Logical Guide to a Supportable Conclusion of Value: A Conclusion of Value Dashboard is where you pull everything together, step through accepted valuation approaches, methods and procedures as you work your way toward a sound conclusion of value at the enterprise equity level as well as the shareholder level. DLOM, non-voting

The Conclusion of Value Dashboard provides a focused and flexible five-step process: select the methods and approaches you want to include, weight and reconcile your selections, input your conclusion of value, apply any adjustments (discounts or premiums) and if applicable properly allocate value between the voting and non-voting interests.

  • Flexible Shareholder-Level Adjustments and Conclusions: A separate Dashboard guides you through the steps you need to reach a shareholder-level of value. Process starts with an accurate share count that includes any dilutive from in-the-money options and any convertible preferred (for voting, non-voting or total shares). You can define the interest to be valued as a percentage or specific number of shares. Shareholder-level adjustments are then applied to the defined interest resulting in a conclusion of value that can be expressed as a single-value or range of values per share.
  • Creating Standards-Based Authoritative Business Appraisals, Detailed Valuations, and Calculation of Value Reports: MoneySoft Business Valuation Specialist includes (without additional charges and upsells) an on-board report writer that streamlines the preparation of supportable and well-documented appraisals and valuation reports that have the elements required by IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60, AICPA’s Statement on Standards for Valuation Services (SSVS), and USPAP. Reports are completely editable using Microsoft Word as appropriate and necessary for each valuation assignment.

Avoid and Navigate Around Hidden Traps.

The ValuSense Advantage really separates the MoneySoft Business Valuation Specialist from other valuation software alternatives. ValuSense helps you avoid many of the hidden problems and traps found in spreadsheets and other software. Here are just a few examples of ValuSense:

  1. Using market transaction multiples and data “as is” can result in errors because each database includes and excludes different price elements. BVS takes these differences into account and applies them appropriately.
  2. Mixing stock and asset transaction data and multiples is another common error. BVS helps you avoid this common trap by segregating stock and asset transaction data to reach more appropriate indications of value.
  3. Not correctly matching discount and capitalization rates to the selected benefit stream is another common misstep (i.e. using an Equity Cash Flow discount rate when using EBITDA in the Discounted Future Earnings method). Business Valuation Specialist has built-in logic to make sure rates and benefit streams match.

Valuation Specialist—the alternative to Excel spreadsheets and old-school valuation software.

You can immediately download Business Valuation Specialist. Installation is quick and easy. And, technical support is there to help you get up and running.

Your subscription to Business Valuation Specialist also includes:

  • Access to FREE technical support.
  • Automatic access to all program improvements.
  • Report Writer included without additional charge. Why should you pay more?

You are invited to explore Business Valuation Specialist’s power, flexibility and the control it gives you over the valuation process. More than a tool that will save you time and tedium, Business Valuation Specialist will remove the distractions of spreadsheets and help you focus in on the mental work and judgment calls that go into a sound valuation.

Call Today to Arrange a Personal Online Demo 800-966-7797